Nikon D7000!

Last week my dad gave me his Nikon D7000 because my Nikon D200 is getting old. As a result of which, I’ve spent the past two days combining photos with typography and hand lettering. The result?

lightssigned heartcookiessigned

The first quote is by Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series. I recently got introduced to Hogwarts and it’s fabulous wizards and witches and I have to say I like how Rowling has empowered the individuals with very human strengths. The second, with the biscuits baked by yours truly, is a quote by one of my favourite authors, Jeanette Winterson. I’ve always been a fan of Winterson’s writing especially her semi-autobiographies ‘Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit’ and ‘Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?’. She has really inspired me and reinforced my belief that literature and art in general really could save a human mind from destitution.

On a lighter note, I’m so excited about what the new camera means for me – I get to take better night photography and also have increased control over my colours. This is a huge step forward for me because with my D200, I had to convert my photos primarily to black and white because the colours were so terrible. Also, I get the chance to experiment with the HD 1080p video on the D7000!

School is starting again soon if not already and I’m going to have less time to dedicate to my art in general. Nonetheless, I promise I’ll try to create something new every two to three weeks. I also have my usual list of goals that I wish to achieve during this academic year and this year’s includes learning Photoshop and improving on my Illustrator skills. More specifically, masking techniques for the former and textures for the latter.

It’s going to be exciting!

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